Category Archives: Sony Ericsson

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play Official, Launch Day is Feb. 13th

Sony Ericsson’s finally dropped the ball on the Xperia Play.  After months of teasing, we almost don’t need a Sony release.  Below there’s the commercial, with the tagline “The smartphone with everything you want, and the one thing you need.”

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Xperia Play commercial leaked

As our friends at Engadget have pointed out, Sony Ericsson is the worst at keeping secrets.  Ever.  In the history mankind, in our own opinions.  Not only has the actual phone been leaked in production form, but now somebody’s actually … Continue reading

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Sony Ericsson MT15i / Vivaz 2 ensnared by Eldar Murtazin, given glowing preview — Engadget

Eldar Murtazin’s done it again, this time getting his hands on another Sony Ericsson phone that was ousted into the wild some time ago, the MT15i.  This phone runs Gingerbread, and was reviewed on  Eldar claims that Sony Ericsson … Continue reading

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No Froyo for X10, Sony says Eclair is as good as if not better

In a tweet Sony Ericsson finally put an end to the drama that was the Xperia X10’s updates.  It hasn’t been very long since it hit 2.1, but sadly it won’t be going any further.  Sony Ericsson stated in a … Continue reading

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Forget the Anzu, the phone Sony’s teasing is the Arc

Remember our post from a few hours ago, the one where we thought that Sony was teasing the Anzu?  Well, the folks at Gadagadget have scored a couple of pics that match perfectly with the the phone in Sony’s posters, … Continue reading

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Is this the Anzu?

Alright, so what month is it? January.  What comes in January?  CES!  And Sony’s giving us a little tease with a number of posters in Vegas.  So what device is it?   We have no concrete evidence here, but we … Continue reading

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Another Sony Ericsson leak, could this be the successor to the X10 mini Pro?

The folks over at Engadget have spotted what appears to be an Android 2.3 successor to the much loved and critically acclaimed Xperia X10 Mini Pro.  From what we can see in these shots this beast packs a lot of … Continue reading

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Unannounced (or rumored) Sony Ericsson device appears in the wild

The phone to the left of this here post just surfaced in the wild together with a couple more shots of it.  From what we can gather so far it’s an unannounced Sony Ericsson device and this could very well … Continue reading

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