Category Archives: iPad 2

Apple iPad 2: The Summary of a Legend-In-The-Making

There has been a lot of excitement going round about Apple’s special event: their announcement of a successor to the legend that was the original iPad, the iPad 2. To our great surprise Steve himself hosted the event even though … Continue reading

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We’re going to Liveblog on Apple’s iPad 2 event!

We may not be there, but we’re going to be liveblogging and publishing iPad news as it happens, in realtime.  Check out our Apple iPad 2 even page under the Events tab in our menu, we’ll be posting a link … Continue reading

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More iPad 2 specs leaked

Engadget’s sources have dished out some very interesting, and a little disappointing news. The iPad 2 will be slimmer and lighter, but have the same display at the same resolution.  RAM has been increases to 512MB, half what Moto’s Xoom … Continue reading

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Apple iPad 2 coming March 2nd!

And all those rumours have indeed been true, Apple really is holding a media event on Tuesday, March 2nd.   Why do I think it’s about the iPad 2?  If you haven’t figured it out already, look back at the … Continue reading

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iOS 4.3 Beta 2 has camera apps for the iPad. Surprised? We aren’t.

    Here’s a little something MacRumours have noticed.  They’ve discovered THREE new camera apps: Facetime, Camera and Photo Booth.  Now, where does this take us?  Well, if the iPad has FaceTime, it has a front facing camera.  Period.  Need … Continue reading

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Gizmodo’s got great ideas for the next iPad

Matt Buchanan over at Gizmodo’s gone and done something really great: he’s pieced together all those iPad rumours (the realstic ones, anyway) and drawn up this sketch of Apple’s next device, going from the display right through the the CPU … Continue reading

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Posted in Apple, Concept, iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 5, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

iPhone 5’s going to feature a radically new design, amongst other rumours

Engadget sources have made some rather spilled the beans on some brilliant new Apple info, and we feel that the way Engadget put it is best.  Here below is the full deal, with the source link in the bottom: Just … Continue reading

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